Those artists that paint seascapes all know how exceptionally intense the blues and greens of the phthalocyanine pigments are. They are incorporated in this set along with other essential colours for creating the perfect seascape including southern ocean blue – a fantastic australian turquoise.
The almost black mass tone of prussian blue gives way to a stunning green undertone that reveals the darkest depths of the ocean. Ultramarine blue gives you, the artist, a vibrant blue for the sky whilst the addition of brilliant alizarine, yellow oxide and naples yellow light will give a wonderful array of colours to complete the scene and allow great colour mixing opportunities.
Set contains:
- Brilliant Alizarin (Crimson)
- Phthalo Blue
- Prussian Blue
- Yellow Oxide
- Phthalo Green
- Southern Ocean Blue
- Ultramarine Blue
- Naples Yellow Light
- Matisse Medium MM2 Impasto
- Matisse Medium MM4 Gel